CGMA Ambassador

Bridge the Gap: Become a CGMA Ambassador

Awareness is the first step to assistance. Be the voice that connects our Coast Guard community to financial resources when it matters most.

For a program overview, check out our Ambassador Welcome Video

What is a CGMA Ambassador?

CGMA Ambassadors are authorized spokespersons for Coast Guard Mutual Assistance presenting informational programs to active-duty units, spouse groups, Auxiliary flotillas, and more in their local areas.

Two Pathways One Mission

AUX-CGMA Ambassadors come from the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary and are AUX-qualified Instructors. They are proven and experienced at public speaking. They are mission-minded and committed to volunteerism.

CGMA Volunteer Ambassadors are from the broad Coast Guard community, including active-duty members, families, retirees, reservists, and civilians. They are natural leaders, comfortable in front of audiences, and care deeply for the CG community.

CGMA trains both groups in our mission and vision and on our available financial programs. Then Ambassadors are empowered to extend our reach into their local Coast Guard communities, offering hope to our members when they need it most. Ambassadors from both pathways are of equal importance and both are well prepared to represent CGMA as we continue the century-old mission of Helping Our Own

Impact of CGMA Ambassadors

For Ambassadors: The program provides an opportunity to significantly partner with the official aid society of the United States Coast Guard, make a meaningful impact in the lives of others, develop their own public speaking skills, expand their social and professional networks, and contribute to the wellbeing of the Coast Guard community.

For the Coast Guard Community: The Ambassador program offers vital information and connections to financial resources, helping the CG community and their families in times of need.

For CGMA: The Ambassador program expands the reach of CGMA’s mission, provides a local/regional presence, extends awareness of available support.

For further information, please contact


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