Breastmilk Shipment Grant

CGMA started helping to ship breastmilk in 2019. Since then, the government has been able to step in for Active Duty members. CGMA grants are still available to all other members and spouses.

Breast milk in a freezer


Up to $750

Type of Assistance



Active Duty
Civilian Employees
PHS Officers and Chaplains

Start with Your CGMA Rep

Start with your local CGMA Representative

There are more than 600 Coast Guard Mutual Assistance Representatives to help you.


How to Apply

Gather these documents:

  • Your Coast Guard ID
  • CGMA-12 BMS Grant Application
  • Receipts for shipping costs
  • Copy of Orders (TDY or ADOS) or Documentation from non-government jobs verifying that travel occurred

There are two options to apply:

What's Covered?

  • Each family can get grants totaling $750 each 12 months. There is no limit on the number of shipments.
  • Grants are also available for equipment to transport breastmilk during a PCS move.
  • Applications must be submitted within 60 days of shipment.
  • Spouses must verify that they shipped the milk while traveling on business for their job or transported the milk as part of a PCS move.


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