Disaster & Emergency Assistance

Who helps the helpers? We do.

CGMA offers comprehensive Disaster and Emergency Assistance Programs to support our Coast Guard community during times of crisis. These programs provide financial aid and resources to help navigate the challenges posed by natural disasters, personal emergencies, and unforeseen hardships.

Types of Assistance

  • Disaster Assistance: In events such as hurricanes, fires, or other natural disasters, CGMA offers interest-free loans and grants to cover expenses related to evacuation, temporary housing, essential household goods replacement, and initial repairs.

  • Emergency Assistance: For urgent situations requiring immediate attention, CGMA provides support for essentials and temporary issues.

We’re committed to supporting you during challenging times.

Coast Guardsmen and Civilian woman riding on a floating raft during a flood.


Varies by category

Type of Assistance

Interest-Free Loan


Active Duty
Civilian Employees
PHS Officers and Chaplains
Retired Military Personnel
Surviving Spouses

Need help?

Start with your local Representative.

There are more than 600 Coast Guard Mutual Assistance Representatives to help you.


How to Apply

Apply Online:

Or contact your CGMA Representative to start the process. 

Immediate Loans

During evacuation or after a disaster, clients may borrow up to $6,000 for their urgent needs. No payment is expected for the first 3 months, so clients can determine if they are eligible for grants. All applications must be submitted within 90 days of the disaster’s occurrence.



Food Loss:

  • Up to $250 for members without dependents and up to $500 for members with dependents
  • Receipts of food replenishment

Personal Property Loss:

  • For losses insured but not reimbursed
  • Up to $1,500 for essential needs only such as clothing, linens, kitchen essentials, and medical essentials.
  • This program will no longer cover major appliance replacement
  • Requires receipts for all items needing replaced

Home or Vehicle Damage:

  • For losses insured but not reimbursed
  • Up to $5,000
  • Vehicle damage requires the insurance settlement or insurance policy showing deductible and documented cost of repair or statement of total loss
  • Home damage requires documentation of repair cost and insurance settlement, which must include deductible information
  • Home must be primary residence (occupied by owner)


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