Disaster Assistance

Who helps the helpers? We do.

In major disasters such as hurricanes and typhoons and personal disasters like fires, the Coast Guard community can count on CGMA as a trusted and reliable resource. CGMA has loans and grants for a range of needs from evacuation, to replacing essentials and starting repairs.

Contact the Personnel Support Team (PST) hotline: 1-833-USCG-PST (1-833-872-4778), CGMA assistance prompt 3.

Coast Guardsmen and Civilian woman riding on a floating raft during a flood.


Varies by category

Type of Assistance

Interest-Free Loan


Active Duty
Civilian Employees
PHS Officers and Chaplains
Retired Military Personnel
Surviving Spouses

Start with Your CGMA Rep

Start with your local CGMA Representative

There are more than 600 Coast Guard Mutual Assistance Representatives to help you.


How to Apply

Gather these documents:

Contact your CGMA Representative to start the process.

Immediate Loans

During evacuation or after a disaster, clients may borrow up to $6,000 for their urgent needs. No payment is expected for the first 3 months, so clients can determine if they are eligible for grants. All applications must be submitted within 90 days of the disaster’s occurrence.



Food loss

  • Up to $250 for members without dependents and up to $500 for members with dependents
  • Receipts of food replenishment

Personal property loss

  • For losses insured but not reimbursed
  • Up to $1,500 for furniture, rugs, clothing, toys, electronics, appliances, etc.
  • Requires an itemized list of all major items and a listing of small items by category
  • Receipts for replacement items

Home and vehicle damage

  • For losses insured but not reimbursed
  • Up to $5,000
  • Vehicle damage requires the insurance settlement or insurance policy showing deductible and documented cost of repair or statement of total loss.
  • Home damage requires documentation of repair cost and insurance settlement, which must include deductible information

Cost Share

Members with higher ranks get hit by hurricanes, too! They are eligible for grants, but CGMA expects them to cover some of their own costs:

  • O5 and above and GS15 – 30%
  • O3-O4 and GS14 – 20%
  • W3-O2 and GS13 – 15%
  • E8-W2 and GS11-GS12 – 10%
  • All others, including NAF and Auxiliary, get the full grant amount

What's Not Covered?

You can use your disaster loan for the items below, but they aren’t included in grants:

  • Emergency supplies like generators, fuel, flashlights, batteries, etc.
  • Travel and lodging for the member, dependents, and pets
  • Rental or storage facility


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