Adoption Loan

CGMA's Adoption Loan Program supports Coast Guard members and their families in building their families through adoption by providing interest-free financial assistance. This program helps cover essential adoption-related expenses, including legal fees, agency costs, and travel. By easing the financial burden, CGMA ensures that Coast Guard families can grow with confidence and focus on the joy of welcoming a child into their home.

If you are just starting your family building journey, please check out this resource offered by the Coast Guard.

Coast guard father and daughter


Up to $7,500

Type of Assistance

Interest-Free Loan


Active Duty
Civilian Employees
PHS Officers and Chaplains
Retired Military Personnel

Start with Your CGMA Rep

Start with your local CGMA Representative

There are more than 600 Coast Guard Mutual Assistance Representatives to help you.


How to Apply

Gather these documents:

Apply directly online:

What's Covered?

Reasonable expenses for the legal adoption of a child, including:

  • Adoption fees
  • Attorney fees
  • Court costs
  • Required home inspection cost
  • Travel expenses (including meals and lodging) while away from home
  • Re-adoption expenses relating to the adoption of a foreign child


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