Assisted Reproductive Services (ARS) Loan

Building a family can be a challenging journey, and CGMA is here to support Coast Guard members every step of the way. With one in eight couples in the U.S. facing difficulties with pregnancy, we offer financial assistance to help ease the burden. The ARS Loan provides interest-free financial aid to eligible members seeking fertility treatments or covering related expenses not included under TRICARE. Whether you are pursuing IVF, IUI, or other recognized fertility treatments, CGMA is committed to helping you achieve your dream of growing your family.

If you are just starting your journey, check out WIN Fertility, offered in partnership with CGMA at no charge. WIN Fertility provides personalized fertility treatment solutions, cost savings, and expert guidance to help you navigate your options with confidence and care.

Coast guard couple with baby


Up to $7,500

Type of Assistance

Interest-Free Loan


Active Duty
Civilian Employees
PHS Officers and Chaplains
Retired Military Personnel

Start with Your CGMA Rep

Start with your local CGMA Representative

There are more than 600 Coast Guard Mutual Assistance Representatives to help you.


How to Apply

Gather these documents:

Apply directly online:



  • All CGMA members are eligible regardless of marital status or sexual orientation.
  • The loan may be issued up to 30 days prior to preparatory treatment or contract signing, since providers often require an initial payment.
  • Repayment should not exceed Expiration of Enlistment (EOE) or 36 months.
  • The initial loan must be paid in full before another application is submitted.

What's Covered?

  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
  • In vitro fertilization (IVF)
  • Donor egg/sperm
  • Cryopreservation
  • Surrogacy
  • Other forms of assisted reproductive technology

Loans may not be used for experimental or research programs.

Military IVF facilities

If you receive treatment at one of the Military Treatment Facilities (MTF) listed below, you will still need to pay out-of-pocket but the cost is less compared to the same services at a non-military clinic.

  • Fort Sam Brooke Army Medical Center, San Antonio, TX
  • Tripler Army Medical Center, Honolulu, HI
  • Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, MD
  • Womack Army Medical Center, Ft. Bragg, NC
  • Naval Medical Center, San Diego, CA
  • Madigan Army Medical Center, Tacoma, WA


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