Closing Costs Loan

We understand how challenging it can be for Coast Guard members to frequently relocate and find a new home. After all the hard work of securing and qualifying for a house, CGMA is here to assist with the final step: covering closing costs. Our interest-free Closing Costs Loan helps alleviate the financial burden of this crucial expense, so you can focus on settling into your new home with peace of mind.

hands shaking with tiny home on the table


Up to $9,000

Type of Assistance

Interest-Free Loan


Active Duty
Civilian Employees
PHS Officers and Chaplains
Retired Military Personnel
Surviving Spouses

Start with Your CGMA Rep

Start with your local CGMA Representative

There are more than 600 Coast Guard Mutual Assistance Representatives to help you.


How to Apply

Gather these documents:

Apply directly online:

What's Covered?

  • This loan is available when buying, selling, or refinancing a primary residence.
  • CGMA also helps with the purchase of alternate living sites, like a mobile home, if that site will serve as the primary residence.
  • The client must be able to qualify for the purchase of the home without CGMA funds.
  • The closing date must be set. Funds can’t be disbursed more than 30 days before closing.
  • Loan repayment can extend up to 60 months, but does not pass the end of enlistment/obligation date.

What's Not Covered?

  • Earnest funds
  • Down payments
  • Escrow costs
  • Investment property
  • Recreational vehicles
  • Purchase of land without dwelling


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