Pet Expenses Loan

At CGMA, we recognize that pets are an important part of the Coast Guard family. When unexpected pet expenses arise, we’re here to help. The Pet Expenses Loan provides financial assistance to cover the costs of veterinary care, emergencies, or other pet-related expenses, ensuring that your furry family members receive the care they need without financial strain.

Coast guard woman hugging a dog


Up to $7,500

Type of Assistance

Interest-Free Loan


Active Duty
Civilian Employees
PHS Officers and Chaplains
Retired Military Personnel
Surviving Spouses

Start with Your CGMA Rep

Start with your local CGMA Representative

There are more than 600 Coast Guard Mutual Assistance Representatives to help you.


How to Apply

Gather these documents:

Apply directly online:

What's Covered?

  • Costs of transporting and quarantining a pet during an OCONUS move
  • Emergency treatment of an injured or seriously ill pet
  • Pet lodging during PCS moves, evacuations, or other emergencies
  • Purchase and training of a service animal for a disabled immediate family member


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